Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Kerbal crochet pattern

My friend is currently into watching Kerbal Space Program by Scott Manly

and I thought it'll be great to make him a little kerbal crochet.

Lucky for me, I found a really nice pattern from this website by Amiguruthi. I asked for her permission and I'm now uploading my own variation of the pattern.

Not much has been changed, so I do suggest trying out both patterns :)

Please be respectful that this is Amiguruthi's pattern and you have no permission to sell the pattern and you should ask her before selling an amigurumi made by her pattern!

(The same thing applies for my pattern as well)

The Essentials:

Hook: 3.5mm

Wool: Orange, white, black, yellow and mint green.

Also needed: Black and dark green embroidery thread; white, red and pink felt (depending on chosen face); 6mm safety eyes; detergent doser (from laundry detergent – one of those plastic cup things you measure out the liquid with)

CH = Chain
Sc = Single Crochet
Dc = Double Crochet
INC = Increase
DEC = Decrease
BLO = Back Loops Only


In black, magic ring

Round 1: 6Sc into centre of the magic ring [6]
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: {Sc, INC} around [18]
Round 4: {2Sc, INC} around [24]
Round 5: Sc around BLO [24]
Round 6: 18Sc black, 2Sc green,2Sc black, 2Sc green [24]
Round 7: 17Sc black, 7Sc green [24]
Round 8: 16Sc black, 8Sc green [24]
Round 9-12: Sc around green [24]

"If you’re using safety eyes, add them now. They should sit just above half way up the head."

Round 13: {2Sc, DEC} around [18]
Round 14: {Sc, DEC} around [12]
Round 15: DEC around [6]

Finish off and weave in tails.

"At this point, you can also add your Kerbal expression. John is smiling (make sure the mouth is quite low down the face) and Glenn is screaming. I used green embroidery thread even around the scream to look like lips. I also added eyebrows on Glenn to increase the scared look. Oh and apparently the accepted Kerbal name is Jebediah, I’m just going with what my customer has elected to call his!"


In orange, magic ring

Round 1: 6Sc into centre of the magic ring [6]
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: {Sc, INC} around [18]
Round 4: Sc around BLO [18]
Round 5-6: Sc around [18]
Round 7: {3Sc, DEC} three times, 3Sc [15]
Round 8: {3Sc, DEC} around [12]
Round 9: {2Sc, DEC} around [9]


"Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing. Sew the open neck under the chin of your Kerbal. Embroidery a zip line down the front of his body in black embroidery thread."

Feet and Legs (x2)

In black, CH4

Round 1: Starting in the second chain from the hook, 2Sc, 1Sc, 3Sc in the beginning chain, (moving on to the other side of the chain) 1Sc, 1Sc [8 - 4 per side]
Round 2: INC around [16]
Round 3: Sc around BLO [16]
Round 4: 4Sc, 4 DEC (in BLO if you want more of a flat boot that I did), 4 Sc [12]
Round 5: {Sc, DEC} around [9]
Change to orange in the last stitch of round 5
Round 6-8: Sc around [9]
Change to yellow in the last stitch of round 8.
Round 9: {Sc, DEC} around [6]


"Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing. Sew in place at the bottom of the body (make sure you get your feet the right way round – they’re slightly oval and you want them long ways forward)."

Arms and hands (x2)

In orange, magic ring

Round 1: 6Sc into centre of the magic ring [6]
Round 2: {sc, INC} around [9]
Round 3: Sc around [9]
Round 4: {sc, DEC} around [6]
Round 5-9: Sc around [6]

"Finish off leaving a long tail for sewing. Flatten the closed end slightly and stitch it flat (around round four or five). Stuff, and sew in place on the body."

Thumbs (x2)

In orange, CH3

Row 1: Starting in the second chain from the hook, Sc along [2]

"Finish off leaving a tail for sewing. Sew to the bottom of each flattened hand, slightly to the front of your Kerbal."

Helmet (optional - I have yet to make the helmet so this is just a direct copy and paste from her website)

Firstly, find one of these:

Credit: Good Housekeeping

Mine was more blocky than round, but that’s ok. The following is a guideline only, since your doser will probably be a different size to mine.

In white, magic ring

Round 1: 6Sc into the centre of the magic ring
Round 2: INC around [12]
Round 3: {Sc, INC} around [18]
Round 4: {2Sc, INC} around [24]
Round 5: {3Sc, INC} around [30]
Round 6: {4Sc, INC} around [36]
Round 7: Sc around BLO [36]
Round 8: Dc around both loops [36]
Round 9: 20 Dc STOP. Ch2 and turn. [20]
Round 10: 20 Dc STOP. Ch2 and turn. [20]

"Insert your plastic cap into the work now. Repeat row 10 as many times an needed to reach the bottom of your cap, then instead of stopping at the end of your 20 Dc, CH16 and join to the beginning of the round with a Slip Stitch."

Round [11]: {4Sc, DEC} around [30]
Round [12]: DC around BLO [30]

"Finish off and weave in the tail. Make sure your plastic cap is positioned within the work so that you can see through it clearly at the front (so you can’t see the measurements if it has them printed on). Secure around the edge of the face panel using a glue gun (optional)."

"Cut two long strips of red felt and glue them across the top running backwards down the helmet. Cut two shorter strips of red felt and glue them to the sides."

"Pop your helmet on your Kerbal and we’re almost finished."

Backpack (This I have also yet to make... been a very busy week)

"Or I suppose it’s actually compressed oxygen really.

In white felt, cut a cross shape as shown below:

Sew this up the edges to create a cube shape. Stuff it slightly before sewing up the final edge.

In black, Ch 10 (approximately – check on your own Kerbal).

Sew one end on the chain to the bottom corners of your backpack facing your Kerbal’s back, and the run the chain around the arms and sew to the top corners of your backpack facing your Kerbal’s back to create straps.

Kerbals finished and ready to be splattered on the moon!"

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Star vs. the Forces of Evil review

It's depressing to know that I've grown up. Well I'm depressed regardless of that fact, but that's not necessarily the point.
Adults have an awful lot of responsibility on their plate and part of it happens to be cleaning up the mess children make and dealing with children's episodes. In this case, there seem to be a lot of mess and a lot of episodes. Gone are the days where I can just see the fun side in shenanigan and tom foolery. All I can see is an annoying child who creates havoc wherever she goes.

When I got into Steven Universe by a recommendation from someone, it lead me to searching for more animations with a similar light hearted cartoon with some deep plot behind it. The first cartoon I've come to love next was Gravity Falls. Then when I finished watching that, I searched for my next fill and Star vs. the Forces of Evil came to my attention. I've often seen short clips of it on 9gag and other social media and it seemed alright so I gave it a go.

Star is annoying, compulsive, uncaring (except for some selected people of her interest it seem. Then it's not even 'caring', it borderlines into 'obsession') and just idiotic in general.
There's a lot of partying and sexualisation which I find weird as well.

I think this person summarises why I hate the show so much pretty well http://beachcity.proboards.com/thread/275/star-forces-evil-plain-sucks