Sunday, October 2, 2016

Card captor Sakura music

I just had to save this link somewhere!
Just love this music so much. Reminds me of my childhood. Good times.

大好きだった あの歌 古いテープの中 小さなキズ 色あせたタイトル にじんだ夜明け
다이스키닷타아노우타 후루이테-프노나카 치이사나키즈이로아세타타이토루 니지은다요아케
너무 좋아했었던 그 노래 오래 된 테이프 속에 작은 상처와 빛 바랜 타이틀이 스며들었던 새벽

そしてまた 今日が来る 夏の風を連れて 慣れていく 日々の片すみで ふと 孤独に出会う
소시테마타쿄오가쿠루 나츠노카제오츠레테 나레테유쿠히비노카타스미데 후토코도쿠니데아우
그리고 다시 오늘이 와 
여름 바람을 데리고 익숙해져 가는 날들의 한쪽에서 문득 고독과 마주쳐

自転車で どこまでも 風を蹴る速さ 忘れない
지테은샤데도코마데모 카제오케루하야사 와스레나이
자전거로 어디까지라도 
바람을 차는 속도를 잊지 않아

la la la la 歌おう 空を見上げて la la la la It's my life 歩いて行こうla la la la 우타오- 소라오미아게테 la la la la It's my life 아루이테유코-la la la la 노래해 하늘을 올려다 보며 la la la la It's my life 걸어가자

 私の力で進む 果てしない この道を
와타시노치카라데스스무 하테시나이코노미치오나의 힘으로 나아가 끝없는 이 길을
いくつもの交差点 いつも迷うけど 流されたり 追い越されたりして 今を生きてる
이쿠츠모노코오사테응 이츠모마요우케도 나가사레타리오이코사레타리시테 이마오이키테루
몇개의 교차점 
언제나 혼란스러워도 흘려보내지고 뒤쫓겨지면서 지금을 살아가

ぶつかること 認めること 大人になっても 忘れない
부츠카루코토미토메루코토 오토나니나앗테모 와스레나이
부딪치는 것 인정하는 것 
어른이 되어도 잊지 않아

la la la la 歌おう 空を見上げて la la la la It's my life 歩いて行こう
la la la la 우타오- 소라오미아게테 la la la la It's my life 아루이테유코-la la la la 노래해 하늘을 올려다 보며 la la la la It's my life 
私だけのものだから 自信持っていいよね
와타시다케노모노다카라 지신-못-테이이요네
나만의 것이니까 
자신을 가져도 좋겠지

生まれた街で 夢見てきた くじける度に 思い出す
우마레타마치데유메미테키타 쿠지케루타비니오모이다스
태어났던 마을에서 꿈을 꿨어 상처받을 때 마다 떠올려 보던

あの歌のように 今できることは 少しでも前に 踏み出すこと
아노우타노요오니이마데키루코토와 스코시데모마에니후미다스코토
그 노래처럼 지금 할 수 있는 것은 
조금이라도 앞에 발을 내딛는 것

la la la la 歌おう 空を見上げて la la la la It's my life 歩いて行こう
la la la la 우타오- 소라오미아게테 la la la la It's my life 아루이테유코-la la la la 노래해 하늘을 올려다 보며 la la la la It's my life 걸어가자

la la la la 歌おう 空を見上げて la la la la It's my life 歩いて行こうla la la la 우타오- 소라오미아게테 la la la la It's my life 아루이테유코-la la la la 노래해 하늘을 올려다 보며 la la la la It's my life 걸어가자

私の力で進む 果てしない この道を
와타시노치카라데스스무 하테시나이코노미치오
나의 힘으로 나아가 
끝없는 이 길을

[가사 출처 :]

Random classical CDs I used to own

I guess I just wanted some memento since these CDs weren't even mine they were my dads.
My dad was always a fan of being a bit of a sophist. He used to sit me my brother and my sister down to talk about philosophy, life, religion and other random things like how to meditate and listen to classical music. My mom also apparently used to listen to classical music when she was pregnant with me and my siblings. I was never really a fan of classical music, but I think that part of my dad did rub on me that I wish I was a sophist as well. When I saw the old stack of CDs I thought I should at least give it one last listen before throwing it out. I'll see if the library wants it before throwing them out.

Callas A Paris

I always get amazed at classical singer's voice. The loud booming volume with precise control of vibrato makes me admire the singer.
One thing is definite though. Her singing is not great to read to haha I've been trying to read this book whilst having this as a back ground, but her singing is pretty distracting.

Richard Wagner -  Ouverturen

To an untrained ears like mine, this album was just a 'typical classical music'. It was much better than the other CD to read to but that was about it.

W A Mozart - Seine Schönsten Konzerte 

It's a bit embarrassing how the only classical music composers I know of are Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. I know there are a countless number of famous and brilliant composers, but I can only remember those 3 from childhood and even if I know their names if you gave me a song of any of theirs to listen to, I wouldn't have a clue who composed it unless it's a very famous piece of theirs.
Listening to this little album again tingles all my hoarder vibes. I kept it all these years and even though I've never listen to it in most of those years I kept this, I feel strangely connected to it and I want to keep it. It just reminds me of my dad and his music he used to listen to. Luckily it's the day and age of internet and I should learn to let go of things like this and keep everything digitally. Not to mention how there're tonnes of youtube videos featuring Mozart or any other classical music.
Just a note to my future self, I think my favourite music out of all is Andantino

Wind Isotonic Sound

Great meditation music. So relaxing. I can't really explain it much else than that. It's strange because I find these type of music more relaxing than any classical music. It probably would've been better if it was played with a piano rather than... whatever it uses? I think it uses a harp as its main background, but I wouldn't have a clue.

I have loads more CD but I think I might have to do a part 2 haha

Monday, September 26, 2016

The Tale of the Princess Kaguya review

Well... I didn't like it. Haha, I'll start off with that. (by the way, there're spoilers)
I usually like Studio Ghibli's animations. Mostly Miyazaki Hayao's work, but I like other ones made by them as well. When I saw the trailer, I had very high hopes for this animation. It looked like it had a very nice feel to it with a very distinct fairy tale theme which I like. I guess my problem was that I haven't heard of princess Kaguya before so I didn't know what to expect and when it actually hit me, it was a bit of an unsatisfying shock.
I know I didn't like it, but overall, it's a very good piece of film. It displays the various emotions princess Kaguya goes through vividly with their animation and I resonated with princess Kaguya's emotional conflict, feeling trapped, unresolved desires, joys, sadness, anger and many more emotional journey she went through. I very much enjoyed the first half of the film where it was mainly focused on the growth and development of the princess.
What I didn't like was how the movie ended. This wasn't necessarily a happy ending sort of movie. Most movies have a very general theme like, 'we endure sadness for the happy times' or 'keep working through issues and one day you'll get through them.' type of happy morals. This movie felt like it was more saying 'after happiness comes sadness' even though the songs and the speeches indicated that our lives goes round in circles, the ending was filled with unresolved problems and sadness. Kaguya never really found true happiness, always felt like a fake, she felt trapped in her own emotional conflict of wanting freedom vs making her parents happy or finding happiness the traditional way and after all that, she just left earth never even knowing what love between lovers feels like.
I think I didn't like it particularly more at this moment in life because I've recently gotten out of a relationship that wasn't very healthy for me. The man I was with had no job for more than a year whilst we were dating, stayed at home smoked weed all day and just played games. I felt more and more trapped being in the relationship having given up things I used to enjoy like dining out, going to the movies or just going out in general. In a way, a bit arrogantly I felt like I resonated with Kaguya's feelings. Her desires of freedom vs her desires to satisfy others was sad. Still being uncertain of my own choices to break up and move out I didn't like how the movie just ended with a "Hey, I have to go back to the moon now! Cya" type thing.
All and all, when my emotional issues have resolved, I probably would've enjoyed the movie and the movie itself is great, but right now, I'd probably give it something like a 6/10 haha

Monday, September 19, 2016

Over the garden wall review

"The central story involves Wirt (Elijah Wood) and Gregory (Collin Dean), two half-brothers who find themselves lost in a strange, magical forest called The Unknown."

Another mysterious setting with a nice magical adventure. I really enjoyed this short series.
It reminded me of the time I used to read a lot of fairy tales.

You know what? I'm horrible at explaining things. haha this wasn't really a 'review' I guess.

Blind 2007 Movie review

Plot from Wikipedia
"Ruben (Joren Seldeslachts) is a lone and unbalanced young man who lost his sight in childhood. Marie (Halina Reijn) is an albino woman of temperate look and with a lot of insecurities. She has a beautiful voice and along with Ruben shares a mutual love for books and tales. Ruben's mother hires her as a reader to read her son books orally. While they live in a mansion, between these two lonely souls sparks love, but will love still be blind if the man recovers from his blindness?"

I don't often watch foreign movies. Most of the time I find international film festival movies very awkward and hard to relate to since Europe has a different culture to mine. Not to mention how some of them have really visual sex scene that I'm not comfortable watching in a movie.
I found out about this movie in a joke website. I don't remember which one, but it was a site like 9gag or damnlol and it was one of those posts where it showed a clip of the movie to say how romantic it was. I saw the movie and I loved it.

I guess I'm just a sucker for romance and I've always liked the introverted sort of heroine since it resonates with me more. There was a nice build up of tension and that's always to be enjoyed.

I'm not really good at explaining things.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Aquaman 1960s cartoon review

haha oh boy, I didn't laugh so much in some time. I watched this with my friend which made it even funnier because of the commentaries we've made.
I've only seen the first episode, but I thought I might just write a quick review on it because I thought it was funny. 

Man, it was just one of those things where the olden days innocence are now just so ridiculous and weird. The characters are plainly built with very firm American sort of values. I don't even know what 'American values' are, but when I saw the blond haired protagonist aquaman, I just thought, it's just the word that came to mind.

The only episode I've watched was called Menace of the Black Manta and The Rampaging Reptile Men.
I don't think they were being deliberate (I mean, they might have?) but Black Manta just... made me think they were hinting at 'Black Man.....ta'. The evil reptiles as well... seemed like... they were trying to show some stereotypical Chinese men with their whisker moustache and their weird accent. I didn't care about the hint of racism but it was just funny as hell.

I have to say, growing up made me quite... dirty minded. There were just way too many moments where I just thought it had some strange sexual innuendos which probably wasn't intended.
Here are some examples,

Aquaman gets caught by pink seaweed

This one wasn't dirty, but I don't know... it was still funny.

That one scene where Aquaman says playfully "Alright clam... Open up."

And lots and lots of speedos.

Anyway, it was fun haha

Monday, August 29, 2016

Steven Universe review

I started watching this show after getting a recommendation from a friend.
It was one of those animations I was meaning to watch so I didn't really mind and I ended up quite liking it.
I like it much more than adventure time. It really has the right amount of seriousness with lightheartedness with some nice morals to share.
The story is simply about a group called the 'crystal gems' fighting... things... to save the earth from destruction. The main character is this boy named Steven who is a part of this group and he has some interesting back story including the fact that he was created from another gem 'Rose' who seemed to have been higher up in the hierarchy that was pretty much an idol towards all the crystal gems.
I really like how the show displays a range of emotions, relationships and values and how people deal with issues in a positive manner.

Monday, August 22, 2016

Craft I'm currently selling 22/08/16

I just wanted to keep a record of some of the crafts I've made in the past, all for good memory. I've made all of them using a pattern I found online so I'm sure, in the far away future when I don't have to move around and when I can settle in a nice home, I'll be able to make them again to keep. Just looking at these makes me want to get back to crafting.
Most of them are photographed next to something for scale.

Sophia the Bunny AKA Mokona Modoki
It took me ages finding the pattern again. I think it was a lovely pattern and I love how it turned out.

Patchwork cat/kangaroo
I made this because I wanted a teddy bear type cat. Didn't really come out like a cat because I didn't even have the right colour felt. It really looks more like a kangaroo than a cat and so I put it on an auction site as a kangaroo.

Peas in a Pod
I really liked this plush because I like plushies where it's interactive in some way. I made about 3 of these, one for my mom and one for my friend. The one I made for my mom, I sewed the name of me, my brother and my sister on it.

Catbug plush
I don't like how I placed the eyes... Oh well. It's still cute I guess.

Needle Felted Kitten
It was supposed to be just a head according to the instruction, but I thought why not. I probably needed to poke it some more to make it tougher, but I think it's cute as is. 

Cross stitch rabbit cushion
I used to get these magazines called Mr. K when I was young. It was a Korean magazine for children and teens. The company went under a long time ago so I think it's alright to upload this. Anyway, I liked this pattern, but I just have no use for a small cushion I guess. 

Lalaloopsy inspired doll
I thought those lalaloopsy dolls were very cute, but I also thought I might be able to make something similar using felt. Oh boy was I wrong. This came out cute, but it's a bit flimsy and by the time I finished, I couldn't be bothered making the cloth. Oh well. You live and learn.
I think I used a variation of the following pattern

Amigurumi girl doll
I saw these adorable dolls by this Japanese amigurumi artist and I wanted to make something similar.
 So I made a variation of this pattern. It came out just a tad too big for my liking and nothing like the other doll I've seen, so I decided to sell it and try and make another one next time. 

Just me and my bud
Haha I'll take some better photos of that hooded cat. I love those. There's a free pattern online for them.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Adventure Time Review

I used to love Adventure Time up 'till about the 4th season. After that, I think the creators wanted to get too serious with some issues and started moving away from the light hearted and humorous atmosphere.

Anyway's here are some of my likes and dislikes.

I've always liked cartoons or animations because I found dealing with people and emotions too draining. I mean, I can't seem to even sit still and watch movies or drama because it just feels too much so I now have a habit of playing games or at least crochet whilst watching. It's not the best habit, and I think a part of it is because I feel anxious and useless unless my brain is engaged in multiple things. Cartoons are easy watch. There's no real sadness, no serious issues the character deals with and there's no strong sense of right or wrong within the cartoons and it tries to keep most tones neutral. I liked adventure time because of that. It was about two friends just going around on random adventures having fun being 'good guys'. It had some background stories here and there and interesting characters made the show quite enjoyable to watch.
After a while though, the negatives started to annoy me more and more little by little. I stopped watching after the 4th season, but after watching a youtube video on the possible love story between Marceline and Princess Bubblegum, I was interested to see where it all lead and started watching the series again. Not that I'm a lesbian myself, but I was interested in how a children's cartoon brought in acceptance like that. Now that I started watching again from a later season, I'm starting to notice the negatives are bit more frequently shown.
I think the biggest aspect I hated from the beginning of the show is the total... hmm... objectification? that's not really the word I'm looking for, but anyways, the total disregards for characters other than the main characters and some side characters. I've seen living beings being used, killed, disrespected and treated somewhat like a toy from Finn and Jake or other side characters. In a way, it adds to the light and easy hearted atmosphere of the cartoon, but careless death of certain characters just still didn't feel right as I myself, see myself as a minor character in a way. Then there was an episode called "breezy" where all the princesses were wooed by Finn who wanted to get a kiss from each one of them. It really just felt like Finn had a certain disregard of the princess's as another living being. Princess's themselves all being portrayed as someone who just freely gives kisses away felt just weird and out of character. It's happened to the male counter parts as well by characters like Princess Bubblegum and I'm just trying to show that there's a bit of total disregard of minor characters in this show.
Another thing I disliked about the show is that the creators seem to be trying too hard to portray the idea of a 'new age' relationship model. Diversity is good. I'm all for people choosing whatever type of relationship people want to get into and whilst I'm aware that the creatures in the show are supposed to be non-human with non-human emotional desires, it seems the main relationship model for most character is to remain single and open... and or insane haha. There were a few episodes here and there with normal couples in a long term traditional relationship, but that was about it. Finn seems to desire this to a certain extent, but in most case, it seems like it's mostly just to fill his loneliness rather than actually wanting a lasting or meaningful relationship. One character that does strongly desire a long term lasting relationship is Ice King who is insane. Another long term couple, lumpy space princess's parents are joined together which makes it quite a questionable relationship. Tree Trunks and Mr. Pig were almost on the edge of getting a divorce until a baby showed up. Jake is in a long term relationship with Lady Rainycorn whom he still hardly ever sees (except for this one episode, "My Two Favourite People") and even when they have children together, Jake continues living as a child like character who barely even sees his own children after they're some what grown up in a few days. There were some others here and there, but it slips my mind as the rest were probably only in one episode between a character that'll never show up. Whilst the promotion of independence is good and diverse relationship models are interesting, I feel as if a relationship or bond between 2 individual character who builds their relationship through the years is undermined in the show and in a way, almost ridiculed. The only long term relationship Finn has are in dream, and in reality, he basically falls for any female characters that's somewhat relatable towards him. Characters who are supposed to be strong and somewhat of a role-model towards children seem to be mostly single like Princess Bubblegum.
Anyway, I think I will continue to watch the show because it's good background noise whilst doing crochet or some other mundane activity, but I don't know... It does suck to be grown up with a tonne of negative experience because everything I watch draws me back to some sort of a feeling that I don't like because of my memories. I don't want to be wooed by someone who just wants a kiss. I don't want to live single because my career is more important. I don't want to be reminded that someone has stepped on me and hurt me because of their own carelessness.

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Arai Akino (singer)

Music taste changes as you age.
Arai Akino has been one of my favourite singers since I was about 12~14 and I still listen to her songs.

Her music has featured in many animations as opening music and I wouldn't be surprised if her songs were used for games as well.

One thing I really like about her music is the mysterious and child like mood she makes with her songs. I can listen to her songs and just think of scenes such as a child running through the woods with fairies and demons near by or flying through an abandoned ruin. It makes me feel like I'm living through an adventure anime just by listening to her music.
When I say 'child like mood', her voice helps out, but she doesn't necessarily sound like she's trying to imitate a child's voice. I mean, she probably is, but her voice is clean and sounds natural to me and I generally dislike it when adults make child's voice with a high pitch.

I don't really have a favourite from all of her songs. I guess my preferred album is her RGB album, but I've also enjoy Sora no mori and Sora no Uta quite a bit.