I only watched 3 episodes. I was annoyed. I'm just wanted somewhere to rant since I have anger issues.
Ok so I saw some Youtube clip of it, so I thought I might give it ago. MAN IT WAS BORING O_O!!!!! AAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH
I felt like I wasted 3 hours of my life, even if I was crocheting whilst watching, so I actually did get something out of it.
First thing I hated were the unlikeable characters. Jesus Christ al' mighty. I think the little sister was likeable the most but she god biffed early on, didn't she?
The main guy, shichika is a dumbass, and the main female, togame is a ditz. They're both idiots for comedy but they're not even funny, they're just annoying. Can the girl just shut up?? Fuuuuu
They're supposed to be some sort of a lover, but with no actual love involved. Just very blank words from shichika "that's why I fell for you." or something stupid like that. So their relationship doesn't perk your interest in romantic stories, just your dislike for both characters for their annoying traits. I might have even liked it more if the sister was there to keep their stupidity in check, but I don't know. Even with that, both characters are so annoying that I probably wouldn't have.
Terrible... terrible story telling... I understand that this is a light-novel adaptation and the novels may have been quite long, and couldn't fit well into a 12 episode series. But the first and the second episode? Was just talking... and talking... and explaining... and explaining... sigh... There's nothing wrong with talking and explaining per se, but when your reader/viewer is not invested in the characters or the stories yet, to drown them out with lore and background information that we're not even remotely interesting in, is just terrible story telling. It's not even animated for god sakes. If it's an animation right?? Use the resources to make it engaging for god sakes. "Oh and this happened. Then this happened. Then this happened..." Flashback or something!!! Am I watching an anime or listening to an audiobook?? Oh, why don't we break up the boring explanation, with an equally terrible interaction/joke between the 2 main characters huh??? WELL VIEWERS WOULD LOVE THAT RIGHT???? Fck sakes... It was always the same as well. Just shichika saying something stupid and togame getting angry at him. Like 90% of their jokes were along those lines. Subsequently, this also ruined some of the good battle scenes in the second episode. After all that travelling they fought for like less than 10 minutes, but even the fighting was broken up with meaningless conversations. The enemy had an interesting introduction that were never concluded because the theme was that shichika just wins.
I also hate that this show has such a rave review online.