I just had to save this link somewhere! http://sha5rang.tistory.com/77
Just love this music so much. Reminds me of my childhood. Good times.
大好きだった あの歌 古いテープの中 小さなキズ 色あせたタイトル にじんだ夜明け
다이스키닷타아노우타 후루이테-프노나카 치이사나키즈이로아세타타이토루 니지은다요아케
너무 좋아했었던 그 노래 오래 된 테이프 속에 작은 상처와 빛 바랜 타이틀이 스며들었던 새벽
そしてまた 今日が来る 夏の風を連れて 慣れていく 日々の片すみで ふと 孤独に出会う
소시테마타쿄오가쿠루 나츠노카제오츠레테 나레테유쿠히비노카타스미데 후토코도쿠니데아우
그리고 다시 오늘이 와 여름 바람을 데리고 익숙해져 가는 날들의 한쪽에서 문득 고독과 마주쳐
自転車で どこまでも 風を蹴る速さ 忘れない
지테은샤데도코마데모 카제오케루하야사 와스레나이
자전거로 어디까지라도 바람을 차는 속도를 잊지 않아
la la la la 歌おう 空を見上げて la la la la It's my life 歩いて行こうla la la la 우타오- 소라오미아게테 la la la la It's my life 아루이테유코-la la la la 노래해 하늘을 올려다 보며 la la la la It's my life 걸어가자
私の力で進む 果てしない この道を와타시노치카라데스스무 하테시나이코노미치오나의 힘으로 나아가 끝없는 이 길을
いくつもの交差点 いつも迷うけど 流されたり 追い越されたりして 今を生きてる
이쿠츠모노코오사테응 이츠모마요우케도 나가사레타리오이코사레타리시테 이마오이키테루몇개의 교차점 언제나 혼란스러워도 흘려보내지고 뒤쫓겨지면서 지금을 살아가
ぶつかること 認めること 大人になっても 忘れない
부츠카루코토미토메루코토 오토나니나앗테모 와스레나이
부딪치는 것 인정하는 것 어른이 되어도 잊지 않아
la la la la 歌おう 空を見上げて la la la la It's my life 歩いて行こうla la la la 우타오- 소라오미아게테 la la la la It's my life 아루이테유코-la la la la 노래해 하늘을 올려다 보며 la la la la It's my life 걸어가자
私だけのものだから 自信持っていいよね
와타시다케노모노다카라 지신-못-테이이요네
나만의 것이니까 자신을 가져도 좋겠지
生まれた街で 夢見てきた くじける度に 思い出す
우마레타마치데유메미테키타 쿠지케루타비니오모이다스
태어났던 마을에서 꿈을 꿨어 상처받을 때 마다 떠올려 보던
あの歌のように 今できることは 少しでも前に 踏み出すこと
아노우타노요오니이마데키루코토와 스코시데모마에니후미다스코토
그 노래처럼 지금 할 수 있는 것은 조금이라도 앞에 발을 내딛는 것
la la la la 歌おう 空を見上げて la la la la It's my life 歩いて行こうla la la la 우타오- 소라오미아게테 la la la la It's my life 아루이테유코-la la la la 노래해 하늘을 올려다 보며 la la la la It's my life 걸어가자
la la la la 歌おう 空を見上げて la la la la It's my life 歩いて行こうla la la la 우타오- 소라오미아게테 la la la la It's my life 아루이테유코-la la la la 노래해 하늘을 올려다 보며 la la la la It's my life 걸어가자
私の力で進む 果てしない この道を
와타시노치카라데스스무 하테시나이코노미치오
나의 힘으로 나아가 끝없는 이 길을
[가사 출처 : http://blog.naver.com/syj953/10084116370]
Sunday, October 2, 2016
Random classical CDs I used to own
I guess I just wanted some memento since these CDs weren't even mine they were my dads.
My dad was always a fan of being a bit of a sophist. He used to sit me my brother and my sister down to talk about philosophy, life, religion and other random things like how to meditate and listen to classical music. My mom also apparently used to listen to classical music when she was pregnant with me and my siblings. I was never really a fan of classical music, but I think that part of my dad did rub on me that I wish I was a sophist as well. When I saw the old stack of CDs I thought I should at least give it one last listen before throwing it out. I'll see if the library wants it before throwing them out.
Callas A Paris
I always get amazed at classical singer's voice. The loud booming volume with precise control of vibrato makes me admire the singer.
One thing is definite though. Her singing is not great to read to haha I've been trying to read this book whilst having this as a back ground, but her singing is pretty distracting.
Richard Wagner - Ouverturen
To an untrained ears like mine, this album was just a 'typical classical music'. It was much better than the other CD to read to but that was about it.
W A Mozart - Seine Schönsten Konzerte
It's a bit embarrassing how the only classical music composers I know of are Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. I know there are a countless number of famous and brilliant composers, but I can only remember those 3 from childhood and even if I know their names if you gave me a song of any of theirs to listen to, I wouldn't have a clue who composed it unless it's a very famous piece of theirs.
Listening to this little album again tingles all my hoarder vibes. I kept it all these years and even though I've never listen to it in most of those years I kept this, I feel strangely connected to it and I want to keep it. It just reminds me of my dad and his music he used to listen to. Luckily it's the day and age of internet and I should learn to let go of things like this and keep everything digitally. Not to mention how there're tonnes of youtube videos featuring Mozart or any other classical music.
Just a note to my future self, I think my favourite music out of all is Andantino
Wind Isotonic Sound
Great meditation music. So relaxing. I can't really explain it much else than that. It's strange because I find these type of music more relaxing than any classical music. It probably would've been better if it was played with a piano rather than... whatever it uses? I think it uses a harp as its main background, but I wouldn't have a clue.
I have loads more CD but I think I might have to do a part 2 haha
My dad was always a fan of being a bit of a sophist. He used to sit me my brother and my sister down to talk about philosophy, life, religion and other random things like how to meditate and listen to classical music. My mom also apparently used to listen to classical music when she was pregnant with me and my siblings. I was never really a fan of classical music, but I think that part of my dad did rub on me that I wish I was a sophist as well. When I saw the old stack of CDs I thought I should at least give it one last listen before throwing it out. I'll see if the library wants it before throwing them out.
Callas A Paris
I always get amazed at classical singer's voice. The loud booming volume with precise control of vibrato makes me admire the singer.
One thing is definite though. Her singing is not great to read to haha I've been trying to read this book whilst having this as a back ground, but her singing is pretty distracting.
Richard Wagner - Ouverturen
To an untrained ears like mine, this album was just a 'typical classical music'. It was much better than the other CD to read to but that was about it.
W A Mozart - Seine Schönsten Konzerte
It's a bit embarrassing how the only classical music composers I know of are Mozart, Beethoven and Bach. I know there are a countless number of famous and brilliant composers, but I can only remember those 3 from childhood and even if I know their names if you gave me a song of any of theirs to listen to, I wouldn't have a clue who composed it unless it's a very famous piece of theirs.
Listening to this little album again tingles all my hoarder vibes. I kept it all these years and even though I've never listen to it in most of those years I kept this, I feel strangely connected to it and I want to keep it. It just reminds me of my dad and his music he used to listen to. Luckily it's the day and age of internet and I should learn to let go of things like this and keep everything digitally. Not to mention how there're tonnes of youtube videos featuring Mozart or any other classical music.
Just a note to my future self, I think my favourite music out of all is Andantino
Wind Isotonic Sound
Great meditation music. So relaxing. I can't really explain it much else than that. It's strange because I find these type of music more relaxing than any classical music. It probably would've been better if it was played with a piano rather than... whatever it uses? I think it uses a harp as its main background, but I wouldn't have a clue.
I have loads more CD but I think I might have to do a part 2 haha
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