Saturday, December 1, 2018

Reply to a youtube video by I hate everything on "I HATE SING (2016)"

I didn't really enjoy the movie but I'm going to actually defend it.
Why? It's a generic money making KIDS movie that was obvious from the beginning to the end.
It's almost like an adult trying to review an episode of Barney the dinosaur.
If the movie had some sort of a pretense of being meaningful or anything more than just simple entertainment yeah, you're right, this movie should have a review and should be labelled shit.
But it doesn't.
We all know Illumination never makes anything of art or meaning.
This was just simple time-passing entertainment for children whose parents are simply tired of their antics, and wants them to be zonked out for a small while watching cartoon animals running around and singing.
The real hate... or cringe should be towards adults; functioning, supposedly intelligent, mature adults who 'thought' the movie was for them just because it had characters that were supposed to be adults too.
There is just one criticism that I want to add that ihe haven't added about the movie.
It's that the movie promotes and plays on the idea of popularity and it's links to success.
I hate it.
A lot of people strives be famous on movies, youtube/internet and think it's a success and it disgusts me. They do stupid shit like the tidepod challenge, fire challenge to become famous.
The movie plays on that idea really well. If you keep trying (to be famous by singing or dancing), you will succeed (everyone will applaud you or admire you).
I know that massage is important for some, but a lot of people that really should be admired, applauded and looked up to, were doing their jobs because they simply wanted to advance humanity. These people include Alan Turing, Edward Jenner, Marie Curie and even Nikola Tesla.
I was going to put this review as a reply on IHE video, but I realised most people will not appreciate what I say.

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